I'm an Estonian born photographer living in Helsinki, Finland.
I bought my first SLR camera in 1994 after graduating high school. I started with shooting film and I was so excited. At this time, I mostly photographed for fun; mainly summer holidays, nature and flowers. My father is an amateur photographer and I had the opportunity to spend time with him in a darkroom. I think it was the spark that ignited my passion. I started studying photography in 2002 at VVI (Visuaaliviestinnän Instituutti) in Tampere, Finland.
I really liked my photography teacher and I think he is the best teacher I have ever had. At the same time I began to work as a freelance photographer. I visited many advertising agencies with my portfolio. It was the time before social media, you had to meet people face to face and show your work.
I’m totally in love with lifestyle, portraiture and interior photography. I'm sure that my eye for interior photography developed after I started to work closely with interior journalist and stylist Jonna Kivilahti. We have been and are still shooting homes for Finnish magazines and commercial shoots for different companies. After many great projects and a steady success here in Finland, I am happy to see the growing interest towards my photography in other countries. I am very thankful for that! My experience in lifestyle photography has also lead me to publish six books.
My signature style is feminine, deliberate, composed & feels quiet.
I am happily married with three children and I am always inspired by the sea, sand and stones. I am also a big fan of cherry blossoms, paintings, poetry, autumn rain and flying kites on a windy day. I enjoy meeting new and interesting people, learning from the different experiences of life they bring.
My life’s most important milestones… my children! They “teach” me every day how to become a better person and am incredibly thankful to know them.
Photographer John Saxton once said: “I think a good photograph reveals not only what is in front of camera -the subject; but also what is behind the camera - the photographer.” I try to remember that when I’m holding a camera.
Copyrights © Krista Keltanen|ProPhoto Photography Blog
VilliLilli - Missä tämä kaunis museo sijaitsee? Luin vasta Aivi Gallen-Kallelan ja Hannu Tarmion kirjan Rakkaus Keski-Suomeen, joka kertoo Akseli Gallen-Kallelan ja Einari Vuorelan luovuuden lähteistä. Ja olin aivan fiiliksissä Gallen-Kallelan töistä! :) Lisäpilkettä fiiliksiin toi vielä kotikulmat, jotka vilahtelivat tuon tuostakin Gallen-Kallenin reissukertomuksissa!
Krista - Hei Villililli, museo sijaitsee Espoossa Gallen-Kallelan tie 27. Turun väylän ja Kehä I välittömässä läheisyydessä. Upea paikka! Tarvaspään kahvila myös!
VilliLilli - Kiitos Krista! Tuopa onkin otettava kohteeksi seuraavalla “etelän” reissulla. :)
Gema - beautiful and delicate photos.
I love your web, congratulations!!!!
kaari3 - Rakastan värejäsi! Kaunis ja aihellinen postaus suomalaisesta taiteilijasta ja hänen kodistaan. Laitan jakon FB:ssä.
Hannis - Voi että, on kyllä ihanat kuvat taas! Mä en itse ymmärrä, kuinka en ole ikinä, kertaakaan tuolla käynyt. Kyse kuitenkin ihmisestä, joka on täysin paljasjalkainen espoolainen ja toisaalta myös tuon ajan taiteesta innostunut. Nyt on ihan pakko ottaa ja käydä. Kiitti inspiksestä :-)
Sharon - These are beautiful images. I had to google who AGK was because I didn’t know he was a leading Finnish Painter. Beautiful images of his home and museum. There is a real sense of the history in the images you have created. My favourite is the closeup of his paint brushes. Thank you for sharing, now I also know more about this incredible painter. Sharon
Krista - Villililli – Eipä kestä! Mukava kun löytyi kohde, josta jää retkikohteena aivan varmasti mukavat muistot teille!
Gema – =) Thanks!
Kaari3- Kiitos! Olet ihana!
Hannis – Sinne sitten ja nopsaa! Upea paikka niin talvella kuin myös kesällä!
Sharon – I’m so happy you googled AGK. Super! Thanks again from you lovely words! ♥